Auckland's Media Design School has premiered their spectacular student short film at Wellington's sci-fi and deco tinged, Roxy cinema.
In attendance along with the young film makers were Weta Workshop's, Richard Taylor and Dr Grordbort creator, Greg Broadmore who were seen to be smiling and nodding appreciatively. as well as swiping the proffered free drinks and nibbles.
Created by the superbly talented students of this years Media Design School 3D course, and directed by James Cunningham, the short is exceptionally ambitious, depicting lush Venusian environs and it's deadly inhabitants. The rayguns required to deal with such beasties are also depicted in devastating form.
Written by Nick Ward, the effects heavy short stars Geoff Hautman, Morgana O’Reilly and Simon McKinney who we meet on safari in the wilds of Venusian jungle - what on God's red Venus will befall them?
You'll just have to hold tight until the imminent online release - stay tuned, we'll keep you updated.