Edition Size:40
Dimensions:11" x 12.6" x 0.4" (H x W x D) 28 cm x 32 cm x 1 cm
Is your coffee table pretty enough?
We would love to take your word for it, but if there's a shadow of doubt, Grordbort Industries' Squalor Circumvention Detail will be dispatched to ensure premises, chattels and fittings are up to scratch.
The purpose of course being to hold your own First Edition copy of Dr. Grordbort's Art Book, a disturbingly miniscule edition of quite large books.
The book chronicles, in electro-luxo-pictographic form, the glorious history of Dr Grordbort's product range, including some of the characters that have had a profound impact on the company.
58 pages of full-size, custom and miniature rayguns. Beasts, bugs and bodaciousness.
We regret to inform you that we have failed to keep Greg Broadmore (the ninkompoop) and his infernal quill away from these books and he has unfortunately besmudged them with his illegible and rather infantile signature.
It is of course a hard cover volume (is there any other kind?) with a silky smooth exterior and the very highest quality of printing through-out.
In fact, it's so gorgeous that even if your coffee table is deemed to be appropriate, you may want to consider upgrading...
This book ships directly from New Zealand.