Set in the retro-science fiction universe of Dr. Grordbort - a world of rayguns, rocket ships and deadly...
Unfortunately, neither Magic Leap, nor Grordbort Industries couldn’t make it to TED (Transmitted Edutorial Demystifications), but we wanted...
Media Design School's officially endorsed short film, 'The Deadliest Game'.
Venus, beautiful Venus - the pearl of the solar system. Only thing is it seems to be blighted...
At last, Dr Grordbort's Science Mystery Theatre finale, finally!
Oh joyous Friday! Part 5 of Dr. Grordbort's Science Mystery Theatre is here to denote the end of...
Some said there wouldn't be a Dr Grordbort's Science Mystery Theatre part four.
We present part three of Dr. Grordbort's Science Mystery Theatre, and what do we ask for in payment?...
Oh! Another Science Mystery Theatre Radio play! Part 2 in fact, which follows on chronologically from Part 1...
At last recovered from the archives, come Dr. Grordbort's Science Mystery Theatre radio shorts!
Part 2 of a short yet intellectually stunted animation of the buffoon Lord Cockswain and his trip to...
A short yet intellectually stunted animation of the buffoon Lord Cockswain and his trip to Venus!From the Dr....
But wait there's more! Check out this crazy infomercial for the Rayguns.
Augmenting security with discretion, the Victorious Mongoose has been purposely produced at just over half the size of...
The lightest of Weta's three original Rayguns, what the ManMelter lacks in weight, it makes up for in...
The Goliathon is the heaviest of the original Rayguns, weighing in at 10lbs. It's sturdy and ribbed handle...
This is Dr Grordbort's thirty-two-page catalogue that reveals a world where chivalry is not dead, advertising is beautiful,...
The F.M.O.M. Wave Disrupter Gun has many articulated parts and as such should only be operated by adults...