Henry Broderick Tittlebrook of London, previously employed as editor of gentlemens periodical 'Nursery Harlot', now an educator of children sent this whining diatribe:
"To the esteemed Doctor Grordbort, as Headmaster at the prestigious Arthur Wellingham School for Boys, I am constantly in desperate search for the most effective disciplinary instruments on the market. With great pleasure, I have recently found your line Infallible Aether Oscillators to be the best deterrent yet to schoolyard tomfoolery and general ballyhoo. Truth be told, I have needed a great deal of practice to find an agreeable setting in which to inflict just the right amount of discomfort on my most unruly ne'er-do-wells (simply melting students is not condoned by the school board). However, I am quite confident that in the very near future, any and all disciplinary problems at Wellingham will be a distant memory. With great admiration....."