Edward Calamity (aka Ed Destructo), a self proclaimed man of mystery, duellist and smuggler of ladies unmentionables (last known whereabouts: the Outer Colony's of Dexter 3), has discretely transmitted us this heartfelt endorsment. We cannot however, commend his lingerical theftliness and request that he send those netherly coverupables to us ASAP so we may return them to their rightful owners:
"My dear Dr Grordbort. You sir, have done it again. My hat's off to you. I've just received my Victorious Mongoose 1902a. Perfect for a chap in my line of work. It's ease of conceal-ability, rapid recharge rate and Beam Capacitor have been indispensable. While spending a short time on Dexter 3 I found it to be a life saver. There I was surrounded, loaded to the gills with what I shall only hint at as being slightly illegal under garments. Back pressed against the security scanner no escape in sight. Brutish Security thugs pointing some of your finer products in my direction...
With a wink and a smile I showed em my Mongoose 1902a and after the ionized dust cleared I was able to make my delivery none the worse for the wear. My sincere thanks Dingus my good man for another great product."